Montag, 26. Mai 2014

Bangkok News


    Junta eyes state enterprise purge

    26 May 2014 : A purge of several state enterprise boards is expected to be the next step the coup-makers take following massive transfers of senior state officials and police officers on Saturday night.
  • Thaksin says coup is ‘sad’

    26 May 2014 : Fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday used his Twitter account @thaksinlive to demand the coup makers “return happiness” to the public and offer justice to all sides of the political divide.

All Stories

  • unrest

    Travellers end their trips abruptly amid coup fears

    26 May 2014 : The military coup has scared tourists off and seen some pack up and leave earlier than planned.
  • School tablet cash ‘running out

    26 May 2014 : The Office of the Basic Education Commission (Obec) is to consult Education Ministry officials about future funding for the second phase of the “one tablet per child” programme.

    Coup critics defy military’s protest ban, scuffles ensue

    26 May 2014 : Coup opponents took to the streets for the third consecutive day yesterday, defying the military junta's order banning political gatherings of more than five people.

    NCPO points out reasons for seizure

    26 May 2014 : The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) has clarified to the international community why the military intervention is a necessity under the current political circumstances, after the United States announced its cancellation of US-Thailand engagements.
  • coup aftermath

    Rice scheme payments begin

    26 May 2014 : Farmers waiting for delayed rice-pledging scheme payments can begin claiming their money from today, coup-makers announced yesterday.
  • coup aftermath

    Security law violators targeted

    26 May 2014 : The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) is hardening its stance on violators of lese majeste and national security laws as well as those who breach the junta’s standing orders.
  • Forty-two report to NCPO Monday

    26 May 2014 : A total of 42 individuals have been ordered to report to the National Council for Peace and Order on Monday, bringing the total number of people who were summoned before the NCPO to almost 250.
  • IT firms proceeding with plans

    26 May 2014 : Major local information technology companies have confirmed they will move ahead with their investment projects as planned this year in the belief that a recovery in the local IT market will arrive in the second half.
  • A modest wish list

    26 May 2014 : The business community wants the forthcoming interim government to immediately address pressing issues that have plunged the Thai economy into recession and spurred idle talk of becoming the region’s ‘‘sick man’’. The Bangkok Post surveyed business leaders across key sectors to find out what they see as the top priorities to tackle right away. High on the agenda is for the next administration to resolve the notorious rice-pledging scheme, deal with widespread corruption, call a general election, end populist policies and carry out across-the-board reforms of political, social and economic structures.
  • Yingluck goes home from barracks

    25 May 2014 : The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) released former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra from an army camp on Sunday night, an army source said.

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